Join the Pit Crew

You may not be a NASCAR nut, but you can still be a part of the “pit crew.” Pray that you and the members of your congregation will become as passionate about praying for your pastor as NASCAR fans are when their favorite driver pulls into the winner’s circle.


If you would like to join the Pit Crew, select PIT CREW and commit to pray for your pastor everyday.

Praying for Our Pastors
Praying for Our Pastors

About Sally

In addition to being an avid NASCAR fan, Sally U. Smith is fanatical about Jesus. She knows much of her spiritual growth depends on the teaching, preaching and example of her godly pastor. That fact plus her love for the work of her minister led her to pray consistently for him and his family. Further, she formed a small group to pray for all the pastors in her church. This group later became known as the "pit crew." Smith's practical experience and research became a book called Pit Crew: Praying Our Pastors Will Finish the Race



Status: Married for 43 years. Currently a widow.

Children: 2 adopted, 4 foster, 1 biological

Hobbies: Reading, sports, gardening, writing, photography

Favorite Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:17 "Pray continually."

Favorite Movie: War Room

Favorite Color: Green

Currently Reading: Extreme Prayer by Greg Pruett

Current Bible Reading: Psalms

Website: Sally's Website


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© Sally Smith